Guide for Authors

Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to us. Please take the time to read and follow the instructions as closely as possible, as doing so will ensure your paper matches the journal’s requirements.

  1. At the time of submission, the following files should be supplied.
    • Manuscript. This file should be anonymized, and the file name should also preserve your anonymity.
    • Conflict of interest. This file can be downloaded here and you are required to fill out this form.
    • Transfer of Copyright Agreement This file can be downloaded here and you are required to fill out this form.

Guide for the formatting and submission of papers 

Respectfully, to improve the quality of the English abstract of papers, the authors are requested to check the text of the abstract in Grammarly before submission and send the abstract to the journal after fixing errors.

The website of the Quarterly of Geography and Environmental Planning is

The focus of papers should be on the following subjects areas:

  • Environmental analysis in the field of geomorphology related to spatial planning, 
  • Climatic analysis of Iran's regions related to spatial planning,
  • Theoretical thoughts and theorizing in the areas of geographical sciences,
  • Iran's water resources,
  • Iran's environmental issues,
  • Iranian tourism issues,
  • Medical Geography

 Editing guide and how to submit an article

  • Papers' are accepted only through the journal's website ( To register on the Quarterly of Geography and Environmental Planning website and submit an article, please follow the steps below:

- Visit the website of

- Select 'Login' and then click on 'Register.' The registration page will appear. After completing the registration page, click the save button, check your e-mail and receive your username and password.

- By logging in to the system, enter your registered username and password and use the online services of the journal.

Reminder: It is worth mentioning that you can use this username and password to review for and submit to the journal.

2- The research topics and priorities of the Quarterly of Geography and Environmental Planning are limited to the subject areas mentioned earlier; thus, the papers focusing on these fields will be evaluated.

 3- The submitted papers should not be sent to another journal simultaneously or published in other journals and scientific conferences.

4- The scientific responsibility of the article rests with the corresponding author.

Papers written by master's and doctoral students with the cooperation of their supervisors or advisors, the supervisor should be the corresponding author, and the paper necessarily is sent to the Quarterly with the signature of the relevant professor. Otherwise, it will not be evaluated by the editorial board. At the same time, the corresponding author and the order of the authors' names will appear in the article in the same order as recorded on the website and will not be changed after acceptance.

5-Translated papers are generally not accepted.


General Principles of Writing Paper

1- The papers must be the result of original research, and only those in line with the journal's goals will be reviewed.

2- The papers should have fluent writing without grammar and writing style problems.

3- The maximum page numbers, including the body, figures, diagrams, and tables, should be below 20 pages.

4- Include important and necessary points in the body of the paper and avoid sending appendixes.

5- Please reference foreign terms with precise and expressive equivalents in the Farsi language, and the full name of the word and abbreviated phrase used in the text should be referred to in the subtitle.

6-The paper should be converted to Microsoft Office 2007 format.

7- In addition to the Persian abstract (250–300 words) and English abstract, the article should have keywords (4 to 6 words), an introduction, materials and methods, a conclusion, references, and an extended abstract in Farsi and English.

8- The sources used should be between 15 and 20 internal and external sources.

The structure of the paper

First page:

-Name and family name, academic situation, and name of the institution or place of employment of the author or authors in Farsi and English.

- Full address of the corresponding author: including postal address, phone number, and e-mail address in Farsi and English. The above information should not be mentioned on other pages of the paper. 

- If the financial expenses of the research or the preparation of a paper are provided by an institution, the name of the institution should be included in the footer of the first page.

Second page: full title of the paper in Farsi, Persian abstract (up to 300 words), Persian keywords (4 to 6 words).

The abstract includes the problem statement, research method, results, and keywords.

From the third page onwards, the article's main text is given:

-Introduction (problem statement, research background, and goals)

-Research methodology

- Research Findings and Their Analysis

- Conclusion

Sources and references

The following points must be observed when submitting the article.

  • The Orchid ID of the corresponding author-extended abstract-titles of tables and figures in both Persian and English languages-Latin years in the text in Latin-sources should be sent in APA format according to the attached file. 


Note: If your paper has a financial sponsor or fund provider or is extracted from a research project, it is mandatory to mention its information in a paragraph under the title of funding acknowledgment. The place of this paragraph should be at the end of the paper before the reference list.


- At the end of the article, the English equivalent of the Persian abstract should be presented.

- Extended abstract

The summary of the article under the title of an extended abstract in Farsi and English (font 12 times New Roman, line spacing 1) on at least two pages;

Persian extended abstract includes:


  1. Introduction

2- Methodology

3- Discussion

4 - Conclusion


Extended abstract:


2- Methodology

3– Discussion

4– Conclusion



Writing guidelines

- Text margin: the sides should be 2/5, top and bottom should be 3.

- The font used in the text of the paper: the title of the paper with B Lotus black 16, all the titles in the text with B Lotus black 13 and the text of the article with regular B Lotus 13, tables font maximum of 10 and English summary text with Time New Roman font 12. Titles of figures and tables should be in black Lotus 12 font.

- Tables must be typed in the Word environment and not use tables as pictures;

- The graphs should be drawn in a simple way. The numerical guide of the graphs must be Persian and placed on the left side of them. Avoid drawing multi-dimensional graphs.

- All figures and tables by the author must be mentioned in the paper and in the nearest place, and avoid sending attached files under the title of table file, graph, and map separately.

- All maps, charts, and images used in the article must be numbered with the title of the figure and in the order of placement in the text.

The figures of each article include curves, graphs, photos, and maps, and they are all numbered as figures. The figures should be prepared in color or black and white and with appropriate and desirable quality, and their numbers and titles should be written below. The photos should be clear, and their content should be legible and have a scale. It is mandatory to mention the source of photos or figures adapted from other sources. At the same time, the source of tables, maps, diagrams, and figures produced by the author or authors should also be referred to by the author or authors. For example (source: the authors, 2015).

How to cite: sources and references should be mentioned in the text and also at the end of the article.

- References in the text of the paper in APA method include: in parentheses, mention the last name of the author, the year of publication, and the page used.

Examples of how to refer within the text: (Rezaei, 2015: 67) or (Miller, 2015, p 39).

The English equivalents should be given in the footnotes on each page, with independent numbering marks for each page.

- The method of presenting sources and sources at the end of the article: (sources used between 15 and 20 internal and external sources)

At the end of the article, Persian sources should be presented first, followed by foreign sources, in the form of articles, books, internet references, etc. (according to the examples below), in the order of Persian or English alphabets. For sources with different years of publication, the author(s) should be listed in ascending order of the year of publication and related to a year by adding the letters A, B, P, and ... or a, b, c, and ... after the year of publication.

How to cite the book:

 Surname, name of the author or authors, (year of publication). book title, issue number, publication date, place of publication, and publisher name.

The method of inclusion in the list of sources and references will be in alphabetical order.

How to cite a paper:

Surname, name of the author or authors (year of publication). title of the article, name of the publication, period, page number of the article (example: pp. 35-47).

How to cite Internet sources:

In the case of using internet sources, in addition to following the method of mentioning the source, the URL of the source should also be presented in the following, and then the date of internet reference should be mentioned in parentheses.

How to cite these:

last name, author's name, (year). Thesis title, last name, supervisor's name, university, and department.


How to Write an English Abstract


  1. In terms of the number of words, the abstract is between 150 and 250 words. The number of words is proportionally assigned to the sections in the order that will be said below.
  2. In terms of form, the abstract is only one paragraph.
  3. In terms of structure, the abstract has 5 parts. Sections 1 and 5 are optional, and the other sections are mandatory.

3.1. The first part (optional). Introduction. (usually in one or two sentences). In this part, the introduction and background of the research are presented. Usually, three methods can be used in this part. In the first method, the author points out the importance of the subject under investigation. In the second method, the novelty of the subject under investigation or the lack of research in that field is brought up. In the third method, the subject definition method is used.

3.2. Second part (required). Target. (usually in one sentence). In this part, the purpose of the research is introduced.

3.3. The third part (required). Method (usually in two sentences). In this part, the working method is explained. The issues raised in this section are appropriate to the research topic, including the type of research (experimental, descriptive, library...), research tools (questionnaire, observation, interview...), participants or materials under investigation, and data collection method.

3.4. The fourth part (required). Results. (usually in two sentences). Usually, in this part, a general result is presented in one sentence and a more detailed result is presented in the second sentence.

3.5. The fifth section (optional). Implicit results. (usually in one sentence). Applications or the need for further research (usually in one sentence). In this part, the implied results, applications, and emphasis on the need for further research are presented.

Format of references in English:


- Barbalet, J. M. (2001).  Emotion, social theory, and social structure: a macro sociological approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Papers from the magazine

-Bell, B. J. (2003). "The rites of passage and outdoor education: critical concerns for effective programming." The Journal of Experiential Education, 26 (1), 41–50.

An article from a book of essays that has an editor

- Hochschild, A. (1997) . The sociology of emotion as a way of seeing. In bendelow, G. and Williams, S.J. (Eds.), (1997) . Emotions in Social Life: Critical Themes and Contemporary Issues. NY: Routledge. 255-276.

 A collection of articles that has an editor

Clark, P. B. (Ed.). (2009).  The oxford handbook of the sociology of religion. Oxford University Press.


One writer

Levy, J. K. (2005). Multiple Criteria Decision Making and Decision Support Systems for Flood Risk Management, Journal of Stochastic Environmental Research for Risk Assessment. Vol 19: 438-447

Two authors

Sasilkala, K.R., M. Petrou. (2001). Generalized Fuzzy Aggregation in Estimating the Risk Desertification of a Burned Forest. Journal of Fuzzy Set and Systems, Vol 118(1): 121-137

More than two authors

Jamali, A.K., J. Ghodusi, and M. Farahpour. (2005). GIS and Spatial Decision Support System for Desertification Mitigation in Watershed, ACRS 2005.

- Theses:

Sepehr. A. (2010). Development of Desertification Risk Managenet Pattern under Uncertainty, Ph.D Thesis, University of Isfahan


 Conflict of interest form


In the whole paper, Persian texts should be typed with BLouts font and English texts should be typed with Times New Roman font according to the following table:


type of writing

pen mode

Font type and size

type of writing

pen mode

Font type and size



BLouts 16

Farsi text inside the table or graph


 BLouts 10

Persian abstract


BLouts  10

English text inside the table or graph


Times 9



BLouts 10

English sources


Times 10

The main headings in the text of the article


BLouts 12

English abstract


Times 10

Abbreviations or English words in the text of the article



Captions of tables and figures


Times  9