Aims and Scope

The main purpose of the Journal of Geography and Environmental Planning is to provide an opportunity to publish the research findings of researchers in various fields of geographical and environmental sciences. The common core and basis of all the studies is to explain the behavior of humans, human societies, and decision-makers and planners in relation to land areas in all economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Promoting the originality and quality of research and research outputs in these fields, like all other sciences, requires promoting the research paradigm in the academic sphere. In this regard, among the strategic goals of the journal in the process of reviewing the submitted articles, serious and deep attention will be paid to the theoretical and epistemological aspects of the topics and having articles with deep insight on the one hand and methodological strength along with serious avoidance of methodological superficialities on the other hand.

The focus of papers should be on the following subjects areas:                                                                                                                  

  • Environmental analysis in the field of geomorphology related to spatial planning, 
  • Climatic analysis of Iran's regions related to spatial planning,
  • Theoretical thoughts and theorizing in the areas of geographical sciences,
  • Iran's water resources,
  • Iran's environmental issues,
  • Iranian tourism issues,
  • Medical Geography