New Insight to Geomorphological Evolution of the Structural Depression of Ardebil by Employing Land Use Approach



        �  Abstract   In the end of eastern rib of Azerbaijan plateau and in the interior Talesh, and Bozghosh mountains, the high and smooth structural depressions as Ardebil plain are placed. This depression being faulted and blocked by lava and then discharged by run-off flows on the surface of mountain’s slopes leads it to be one of the pluvial interior in Azerbaijan plateau. Due to the existing height difference between plateau and mountain’s perimeter and because of the influence of environmental evolutions, particularly climatic changes and Sabalan’s volcanic activities, phenomena and various landforms such as lake deposit, lahar and alluvial fans on the surface of the plain and dominant slopes appear which consecutively and periodically overlap each other. After the fixation of this condition, new forms inside the older ones have been caused which the most common ones are fluvial valley, the old and new terraces. The main purpose of the present study is to recognize and to study these forms and to determine their contribution in planning and land use. This study was conducted based on Field observation in which aerial photography 1:50000, 1:250000 topography maps 1:250000,1:100000, Geological maps, 1:100000 and 1:250000, and satellite images 1:55000 of the year 1334(1956) have been used for preparing the present maps in this research, the GIS software has been used.  �
