Explanation of Women Motivation from Activity in Local periodic Markets in Guilan Province



  Explanation of Women Motivation from Activity in Local periodic Markets in Guilan Province     S.H. Motiee Langroudi. ( * )   Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran   Received: February 15, 2011 / Accepted: September 13, 2011, 11-14 P   e-mail: shmotiee @ut.ac.ir     M. Ghadiri Maasoum.   Assistante Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran     M. R. Rezvani.   Associate Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran   A. Azmi   Ph.D Student of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran           Extended Abstract   1- Introduction   Local periodic markets have important role in economics of Guilan province. The local periodic markets are focal point in urban-rural interaction. The local periodic markets are place for urban and rural women activity. This situation makes a condition that these the local periodic markets be place for cultural and society activity nearest economic activity. Many people are active in the local periodic markets and women are important group among them. These women come to the markets from villages and cities. They have variety impetus from activity in the markets. These motivations are variety that includes economic, culture and society.     Therefore, principal question is attitude and effective component among women in activity in the market. There are some problems for activators that their resolving helps to them for better activities. In this paper ، women motivation study and help them for resolving problems in Guilan province. In this paper some recommendation present for improving the local periodic markets. It helps to women (sellers and buyers) for better activity in the markets. Buyers buy crops because they are variety, fresh, high quality and low costs. They come to the markets for tourism and recreation. Sellers come to the markets for selling. They come to the markets because they needs to money, recreation. They want to see their friend and family. They need to jobs.   In many papers and some investigations, this approach present that the local periodic markets are place for small sellers and buyers' activity. The local periodic markets are important for women. There are some proofs. These two groups (sellers and buyers) have much impetus for activity in the markets.   Therefore assumptions include:   Buyers' women are active in the rural periodic markets for purchase and recreation   Sellers' women are active in the rural periodic markets for personal, social component, income making and employment.     2- Methodology   Investigative method was descriptive that was used from questionnaire and interview for collecting data. Reliability was calculated by alpha Cronbach that for sellers equal 0.71 and for buyers’ equal 0.70 and validity was calculated by geography and social science researchers. Statistical societies were 147 people for buyers and 146 people for sellers. The sellers were selected by census method and the buyers were selected by Cochran formula. Sampling method for the buyers was simple random sampling method.   Case study in this paper was Guilan province. This province exist in north of Iran. This province is variety. This variety is in economic, cultural and social dimension. Therefore these characters that helps to rural investigation in Guilan province. Guilan province has many local periodic markets in cities and villages. This situation helps to investigation about the local periodic markets in Guilan province.     3- Discussion   Mean of age in statistical society was middle. Sellers and buyers in the local periodic markets were marriage. Most of respondents were illiterate (%78.1). Little of respondent have high degree.   Results says that selling crops, unemployment, security foods and obviating livelihood are some impetus for activity of sellers in the local periodic markets.   Buyers were satisfaction from buying crop in the local periodic markets. Some impetus buying from local periodic markets were locality, variety and fresh of the crops. Therefore it shows that quality is important factor for the buyers for the buying from the local periodic markets.   In women seller's family and personal incentive have most per cent variance among other factors and therefore it has most variable among itself. Income variable is only one variable that include 11.24 per cent of total variance. But family and personal incentive component have 7 variables among itself. It shows that personal incentive component is important component because it has many variables among itself. Each variable have a little effects but total variable effect strong on impetus women.   Women sellers have much impetus in purchase of the markets. Therefore their impetus from purchase of the local periodic market not only buying from the markets but also it is recreation and tourism.   The women have many problems: they are unprofitable costs for their crops, weak role in management of the local periodic markets, problem of finding stall for selling.   In first assumption it shows that buyers' women are active in the rural periodic markets for purchase and recreation. It shows that these markets are tourism attractive for women. Because of they not only purchase from the markets but also recreate in the markets.   In second assumption Sellers' women are active in the rural periodic markets for personal, social component, income making and employment. It shows that sellers' women have personal and social attitude in the markets. They want have income and jobs in the markets.     4- Conclusion   Finally it recommendation that for improving women's situation in the local periodic markets it is essential that: facilitating in selling and buying crops by making stall for sellers facilitation of sanitary developing of tourism in the markets improving in transportation for crops and transformation in attitude to women sellers in the local periodic markets.       References   Afsar Keshmiri. B., (2003), weekly markets in north of Iran, science post journal, no3, volume 2   Alhesabi .A, Raheb. G. (2009), pathology of situation of national environment to villagers and maintain environment in making house (case study: rural settlement of Guilan province), environment science, year 6,no3   Center for Rural Pennsylvania. (2002). Starting and Strengthening Farmers’Markets in Pennsylvania ، 2nd edition. The Center for Rural Pennsylvania ، Harrisburg ، PA.   Findlay ، A.M. ، Stockdale ، A. ، Findlay ، A. ، Short ، D. 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