An analysis of Binalood New Town in Terms of Population Absorption

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 M.A. of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Extended abstract
1- Introduction
Throughout history, cities have been manifested mankind’s culture and civilization. In this regard, the notion of New Towns, as places with particular purposes, has always existed as well. New Towns are defined as “a new social - humanistic phenomenon are established by the government through the regional administration. The planning and administration of these towns are adapted from the metropolitans. Curbed population concentration and Marginalization in the metropolises, lower
transportation costs, the transfer industries from metropolises to New Cities and decentralization are the main objectives of New Towns. In this study, have been seeking to investigate how Binalood is obtaining intended objective, i.e. the absorption of population.
2- Methodology
The current study is descriptive - analytical in nature and draw on library and field methods as well as questionnaires to collect data.
The samples were collected from statistical population using Simple Random Sampling method. Microsoft Excel and SPSS software were used for analyzing of variables, drawing statistical tables and doing calculations.
3- Discussion
To explore the degree of Binalood’s success in attracting population, three hypotheses were analyzed. The results showed that 6.3 % of migrations are for finding better job opportunities. Thus, the first hypothesis was rejected. According to the second hypothesis, residents considered the Binalood as a suitable place for living. The results showed that 35.71 percent of people were content with the current living situation. The second hypothesis was rejected. Yet, the majority of population was made up rural families and due to the frugality of these people, and considering the 38% satisfaction of the respondents, providing the minimum requirements could result in high degree of satisfaction. The third hypothesis held a low expectancy rate in urban area.
In order to test this hypothesis, the one sample T-Test was used. According to the results, the hypothesis was confirmed with a 95% insurance level and a significance level of 0/000.
4- Conclusion
The following reasons can account for the failure of New City of Binalood in implementation of the intended programs for absorption of population: 
The predicated population for Mashhad City was not realized.
The return of Afghani residents and emigrants of Iran’s war.
The accommodation of Mashhad immigrants in the suburbs. 
Administration and the executive problems in the construction of new city of Binalood.
The predicted infrastructure, facilities and services required in the new city of Binalood were not realized.
The following suggestions that might contribute to population attraction offered in the below:
The provision of the basic needs of the families. 
The Increase quality and quantity of infrastructure and urban services such as recreation, sport, cultural and medical centers. 
Creating more job opportunities in the city.

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