Spatial analysis and optimal site selection of urban parks with using GIS (Case study: urban parks of abadeh city)



Abstract 1-
Introduction  Industrial development and
population increase in the cities have resulted in beneficiary construction. In
such construction activities health issues and providing minimum light in
condensed urban areas is ignored. On the other hand necessity for providing
urban applications for meeting the ever growing needs and inhabiting population
results gradually in reduction of green areas and cities gardens, in
consequently results in contamination of the environment city parks as one of
the most important city applications have a prominent role in the reduction of
air population also they are important in enhancing life quality of city
residents. The number of parks and their location and distribution is important
as they must be accessible for all citizens. This is one of the most discussed
issues in city planning.  2-Methodology  For identifying suitable
locations for parks in legal zone of ABADEH city, first important influential
variables on finding locations for city parks were suited. For doing so, 12
layer of information including population, location of current parks, location
relative to inhabited zones, location of centers which attract population such
as commercial centers were extracted by DWG format from current application
plan of lands in the city. Because these information layers do not have equal
influence on determining suitable locations and also their sub-layers don’t
have equal importance, thus in the present study for each layer and its
sub-layers regarding its type and its application analytical hierarchy process
were applied. 3-Discussion By combining variables and sub-variables in GIS environment, lands in the
city were categorized based on their appropriateness for constructing park.
They were classified in five groups as very high, high, middle, low and very
low. In 745 hectare of the studied area 36.73 hectares of the lands had very
high appropriateness and 208.75 had very low appropriateness. Parks in ABADEH
were dividing into three groups as neighborhoods, local and regional. Their
functions were also calculated. Kodak garden is a neighborhood park, MELI BAGH
is a local park and SAR ASIAB and City Park are regional parks. According to
the available rules, extent of function of each kind of park according to the
distance which is walked by a person is calculated as following: Neighborhood
Park 500 meters, Local Park 750 meter and Regional Park 1000 meter. Network
analysis in arc GIS software was applied in order to obtain extent and function
and their functional zones were drawled by calculating the distance which a
person had walked. 4-Results  Analysis results related the
current conditions of parks of ABADEH shows that space distribution of parks is
in a way that they are not easily accessible for citizens. The major part of
this city lake city park. In the present study first lands of the city was
assessed in order to identify good location for parks. From 746 hectares of
land in legal region of the city which was studied, 209 hectares were very
unsuitable, 270 hectares were unsuitable and finally 37 hectares were very
suitable. This new classification was used for locating zones for new parks and
for identification of the extent of function of these parks. Network analysis
in GIS was used for locating new zones. Totally 16 city park in neighborhood,
local and regional scale were suggested. Space distribution of current parks in
according to maximal efficient accessibility of them for citizens.    
