university of Tehran
Extended abstract
1- Introduction
In a general division interurban public transport can be divided into two groups of public transport and private transport. Cars, motor bikes, including private vehicles, and metro different kinds of buses (Normal, electrical, Rail-guided) and Extremist buses (BRT) are vehicles of public transportation. (Report General Accounting Office Mass Transit.2001: 12). Between two forms of transport, public transport, for reasons which will be mentioned below, has always been considered citizens. In our country bus company responsible for a large part of the this section - which it engaged since the year 1335. This study aimed to analyze passenger satisfaction from the implementation of bus rapid Transportation (BRT) in the city of Tabriz and can be used achieved results in the development of these lines to further increase its effectiveness. In this research aspects, speed, driver behavior and the human factor (Ergonomic) in the form of questionnaires are discussed.
Because the concept of effectiveness is the quality and the Branch Company as a service organization, offering their services to the general population, the satisfaction rate recipients of (travelers) quality of service is indicate. (Litman.T .2004:54) In other words, the criteria used to assess the effectiveness of a public service organization must indicate the organization's responsiveness to community needs. For example, the effectiveness of the public transport system,do not depend on the number of people who use them , but is dependent on in this case that these trips are comfortable, fast and safe to be on time (Sohrabi, 1380: 71 ). Thus, if the bus company stakeholders divide to two internal stakeholder groups (administrators, staff, and driver lines) and external stakeholders (passengers) , to assess the quality of transport services, the following questions arise:
- What is the level of Branch Company performance?
- Satisfaction of employees, especially drivers who lines as corporate forces played an enormous role in attaining the goals and satisfy external stakeholders (passengers), the performance of the organization paid service?
In this study, the first group reviews to assess the quality of transport services has been discussed.
2- Methodology
In terms of the nature and method, this research considers descriptive - survey. Accordingly, the purposes of the research, the aim of using correlation techniques and introduce the quality model for urban services (Servqual) in this study is to find out, whether the between setup Extremist buses (BRT) and the consent of citizens and passengers vehicles of public transport, there is a relationship or not? Finally, the data were collected using a questionnaire with a sampling of three officials, the public and experts using sampling Cochran, respectively, 15, 300, 20 were selected as sample. Using various statistical tests and analysis of the variables within the model Servqual, to identify problems and paid BRT lines, as well as for data analysis software Excel, SPSS was used.
3â Discussion
Measuring service quality in order to appropriate understand the services that the city should provide and whether this services are proper with expectations of citizens or not, and as well as is compared the quality of a public organization with other organizations responsible for Urban Affairs , this measure determines the degree and direction of difference between the the expectations of citizens and government organizations in the city (Parasuraman, 2005: 16). One of influence factors in the satisfaction of the public transportation in the city of Tabriz in general and United Bus Company in particular, is the quality of services provided. To measure passenger satisfaction Bus Rapid Transportation (BRT), a quality of buses Extremist (aspects , speed, driver behavior , and the human factor) as variables through two questionnaire (1 - measuring passenger satisfaction and 2 - Inventory Extremist bus company) goes through citizen surveys and statistical tests (Cronbach's alpha, Kolmogorov - Smirnov Pearson , Friedman test) briefly review the questionnaires components and variables are discussed and finally the project is also open to question and examine their results in order to assess priority problems, and cognitive factors on improving the quality of BRT lines BRT lines will be reviewed.
4â Conclusion
According to obtained results from test of research, in the framework of the proposed model, we can conclude that the quality of service, the bus company Extremist (BRT) does not depend solely on the number of passengers transported per day, but is dependent on the quality of services provided. on the whole we can say that the average components Satisfaction Survey, components of driver behavior, environment of engineering, human factors, speed and services, be concluded that these components impacted respectively of passenger satisfaction buses Extremist BRT in the city of Tabriz. According to the results of various statistical tests on variables, it is inferred that there is a direct relationship between the commissioning buses Extremist and citizen satisfaction. And with promotion and development of the service quality of the research, thus the level of citizen satisfaction will be greater. from public transit system and the bus Finally with qualitative and quantitative measurement of citizen satisfaction with the service provided by the BRT bus company that was goal of this study, can be identified appropriate and effective ways of delivering services to the people and will be increased ability of Tabriz and Suburbs Bus Company with establishment of new systems for provide effectively and efficiently services to citizens.