Morphoradiation analysis for west Eqlids mountain range and its relationship to morphological evolution



Solar radiation is the source of earth system that has many effects on all earths system. Energy forces of all earth systems and ecosystems provide with solar energy. Solar energy calculate with different function and formula and in the most of them calculate for horizontal plane that this is a major problems in solar radiation calculation. In this paper use earth roughness effects on solar radiation absorption. For earth roughness using digital elevation model (DEM) to simulate mountains surface.
Keywords: Total Radiation, Direct Radiation, Diffuse Radiation, Duration of direct Radiation, Anthropogenic Activity, Morphoradiation , Morph genic Evolution.
Solar radiation is the main source of earth planet energy and is the main factor of climate component control. Solar radiation control earth surface temperature and then determine temporal and spatial variation and patterns of moisture and pressure. With regards to solar radiation role in all morphological systems solar radiation importance in geomorphology can better understand. Solar calculation for eqlid mountain range have been done. And related maps illustrated.
1- Directed solar radiation Calculation
Directed solar radiation is the radiated energy that reaches to the earth surfaces in form of straight and direct rays. When the sun is above horizon line in the sky directed solar radiation occur and in the other time there isn’t any directed radiation. The sky divided to some sun sectors with half hour interval and the sun position in the sky calculated for each part and according to this sun height and azimuth directed solar radiation on the 3 dimensional surface calculated.
2- Diffuse solar radiation Calculation
In the energy analysis not only need the directed solar energy but also need to diffuse solar energy. As physical definition if there isn’t any diffuse radiation in the environment the temperature difference between light and shadow surfaces will increase. Diffuse solar radiation calculated based on Uniform Overcast Sky (UOS) model.
3- Duration Direct Radiation calculation
Duration of direct radiation calculated for the case study in one year. Latitude of the area that shows day length indirectly and earth morphology are the factors in this analysis.
4- Total Radiation
Summation of directed radiation and diffuse radiation in all sun sectors is total Radiation.
1- Radiation effects on the natural systems and ecosystems
1-1- effects on vegetation cover
More radiation intensity in the south and south west skirt of the eqlids mountain lead to temperature variation and then flow over earth systems. Increase in the rate of temperature lead to high evapotranspiration and low relative humidity that these factors can cause directly on the vegetation growth. In the area study high energy skirts has low plants density and low energy skirts has more density of plants.
1-2- effects on pedogenic systems
Soil creation and developing has strong correlation with wet and thermal condition. In result effects solar radiation on the soil development are specified. In fact solar radiation can effect on thermal variation and variation of temperature effects on moisture and evaporation Changes. These changes determine direction of soil evaluation and creation.
1-3- Effects on hydrological systems
Radiation balance in the Eqlid Mountains lead to thermal changes and then evaporation, infiltration and volume of runoff. Reliability coefficient of hydrological streams has difference in opposite’s skirts.
1-4- Effects on pre-glaciers and glaciers systems
North and north east direction of this mountains mass gain less solar radiation and then has less temperature. More evidence of glacial cirque in this direction will accept this theory. Glaciers activity has more evidence in the west and north direction of this mountains skirts.
1-5- effects on the underground water
Less temperature, more humidity, less evapotranspiration and more pre-glacial and glacial activity in the north and east north direction of area study help to discharge underground water more than opposite’s skirts direction.
1-6- Effects on micro and macro organisms
More vegetation cover, fertile soils, surface and subsurface water resource all can has effect on micro and macro organisms.
1-7- effects on morphologic features
All parameters and factors mentioned above can lead to geomorphological morphogenesis. In the north and north east skirts of this mountains there are some great alluvial fan whereas in the opposite’s skirts there isn’t such evidences.

2- Radiation effects on the anthropogenic activity
All factors that listed above together can have strong effects on the settlements and human activates. There are more cities and village with density population in the north and east-north skirts of Eqlid mountains range as south and south-west of this mountain. Spatial arrangement and farming and agricultural fields and gardens configuration have the same trend as mountains skirt direction.