Estimate of the impact of rural housing pattern from cultural changes in the lives of villagers in Binalood County


Ferdowsi university of Mashhad


Rural housing as a component material and cultural has been from changes and transformations extensive in recent decades. The group wants to preserve the traditional face of rural housing and a group such developments as inevitable and as a result of the globalization process. This paper will attempt to effect of Cultural change in the lives of villagers on rural housing patterns were analyzed. The methodology used in this study, form the goal applied and from the method, is descriptive - analytic and correlation, the main part of the data based on field studies and sampling (Cochran) was collected from 232 households in the sample. Findings based on the results of Pearson correlation tests indicate type are significant and relatively strong relationship with 0.473 between Cultural changes factors and rural housing pattern, so that Cultural changes factors will range 35.1% of the variability. Vogue of consumerism culture amount of 37.4% change in rural housing pattern has been effective and in route analyzing with the greatest impact on the factors of architectural plans and housing quality for the coefficients 0.36 and 0.23 is on the left. The spatial distribution of relationship between social changes and rural housing pattern, on seven villages, and almost complete direct correlation there. Regard to, strategies include according to Proper use of indigenous materials and repairing old buildings by modern utility, Efforts in preservation of old houses and traditional in the villages, etc., have been proposed.
