Fisibility study of areas susceptible to plant saffron in the province of Esfahan depending on the Rating Model


1 Zohreh Rajabi: Department of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

2 Hasan Ali Ghayoor: Department of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

3 Mohammad Bagher Behyar: Metrological Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

4 Amir Gandomkar: Department of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad UniversityNajafabad, Iran,

5 Victoria Ezzatian: Department of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran


Considering the climatic situation in the province of Esfahan, where water is a restricting factor in agricultural development saffron is a plant befitting for growing in arid and semiarid ereas.This is due to the fact that saffron requires no water in hibernation, on the the other hand the season of its growth synchronized With rainfull in Iran. These research aims to study the fundamental climatic and environmental elements affecting the growth of saffron using the Rating Model in gis software. The ereas which are suitable for the growth of saffron specify. Such elements as temperature, rainfull and relative humidity in statistic period 1993-2008 calculated by calculate.xlxs using excel software and then the maps related to elevation and slope resulted by them as well as the maps of landform and underground water raster resources provided point date of water corporation in the province of Esfahan were all investigated add analysed. In Rating Model, on the basis of the effect of map classes in the growth of saffron were scored and then all layers were also scored by useing weighted sum in gis software. Then they were composited and finally a map demonstrating. The intelligence of area for production and planting saffron was made. The results of this research in the indicate that climatic situation among others plays more vital role in the growth of saffron. In final map appropriates areas for planting saffron in the province of Esfahan includes eastern and north-eastern zones which covers 15.6 percent of total area in the province.


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