Application of Combined model analytical network process and fuzzy logic models in Landslide susceptibility zonation (Case Study: chellichay Catchment)


University of Mohaghegh Ardabil


Landslides susceptibility maps are one of the most important essential tools for planners and decision makers environmental especially in mountainous areas. Analytic network process (ANP) is including model for landslide susceptibility mapping. This model in addition preserving capabilities and advantages available in the AHP model, Overcomes the disadvantages related to it and therefore the its use of compared to the AHP increased in recent years and has been replaced it. In this study landslide susceptibility zonation done using ANP model in chellichay catchment (Golestan province in Iran). To do this is used the 10 natural and anthropogenic parameters (such as lithology, distance to fault, distance to river, drainage density, slope, aspect, landuse, vegetation density (NDVI) and distance to roads). Pairwise comparisons, data preparation and implementation of the model performed with using of tools such as super decision, Arc map and ENVI software. The final map obtained from the model were classified in five risk classes And evaluated using landslides occurred in the area. The results of the evaluation showed that 70% of the landslides occurred in the area are located in high and very high risk classes. According to the model demonstrates appropriate capability to predict the landslide susceptibility.


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